Tideline by Penny Hancock follows the story of Sonia, a wife and mother. One afternoon she opens her door to Jez, a fifteen year old who is a nephew of her friend and who wants to borrow some music. Sonia decides she's going to hold him against his will in her house. She becomes obsessed with Jez and wants to keep him safe within her home - The River House - on the Thames which was where she grew up which holds memories of her childhood and her first love. A real spooky read.
My second book is Alice Bliss by Laura Harrington. This story is told through 14 year old Alice's eyes. Her father goes off to war and she finds herself having to grow up overnight. Alice finds herself lost without her father - they did a lot together and she is determined to keep the veggie plot flourishing and do other things her dad did. When he is reported missing in action the family have to face up to the fact that he may never return. A gem of a book and a coming of age for Alice.
What have you been reading this month?