Wednesday 20 September 2017

The Method, Stockbridge - Haeckels Made of Margate

The Method in Stockbridge, Edinburgh is a gorgeous lifestyle, beauty and therapy store (there's an online shop too so if you don't live near enough you can still get a shopping fix!) which sell a beautiful range of beauty products (some of which I've only seen online before), home and lifestyle items and they also offer a range of treatments which you can see HERE

I was super excited as they are a stockist of Haeckels Made of Margate which has been on my wishlist like forever! I picked up two items on my first visit Haeckels Incense Cones (£16) and Meraki Green Seaweed Soap (£8).

I chose Bog Myrtle cones as they were the scent which appealed to me most! It thrives in harsh and hard to reach conditions - think the top of a steep coastal path or on coastline cliffs. It's great to use as a midge repellent and the aroma is said to be alike of cloves. It's spicy, smokey with a hint of floral.

To use: light the end of the cone letting it burn for 15 seconds before blowing the ember until it's red hot. Place "in the heart of your home in either a hallway or landing to allow the fragrant smoke to disperse". The lid or a pretty saucer is ideal to burn the cones. Each one will burn for about 15 minutes and the scent will last 2-4 hours in a medium sized room.

There are other scents available which you can see HERE. What's your favourite product from the brand?

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